Quote Of The Week...

"You'll never forget something if you remember it"
Conny The Clown

Dear Friends

What Is Normal Anyway?

Today I want to share a few quick thoughts about my friend Chris...(is he normal?)

Sometimes he drives me crazy!

But I think the feeling is often mutual...

In fact, I'm almost certain because he frequently asks me "Conny, are you normal?"

And say things like: "So and so said they thought you and I were not normal..."

But when you come to think of it - what is 'normal' anyway?

Is it normal to have 11 chickens, three dogs (one big, one medium sized and one small) one old rabbit (who suffers from the rabbit equivilent of parkinsons disease) and a gunie pig?

(They all LOVE me!)

Is it normal to work virtually EVERY weekend, love shopping at op shops and believe that along with your business partner, you will create a business (online) that will impact lives all over the world?

because if it isn't...

If being 'Normal' means living some dead, dull, boring life, working at a job that you hate...

Then I think I'll pass...

BTW I already realise that Chris is far from normal and so we both have decided that "everyone else is crazy"

Think we're wrong?

Hey, you are reading this so perhaps you too are not 'Normal' either!

Keep safe until next time...

Conny The Clown

PS Also, stay tuned for the further adventures of Berkley the Dog...